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Author: Thompson, Langdon Shook, 1838-

Title: A hand-book to accompany the Eclectic system of penmanship


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Thompson, W. I.

Title: Atmospheric transmission handbook [Electromagnetic wave transmission in earth atmosphere from 3 kHz to 3000 THz w/emphasis on earth to spac

Year: 1971

Price: Free

Publisher: Intnt Archive

Author: Thomson

Title: Paediatric Handbook

Year: 2009

Format: PDF

Price: subs/$

Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Thumann, Albert

Title: Handbook Of Energy Engineering

Year: 1997

Price: 84.00

Publisher: FairmontPr

Author: Thurston, Robert Henry

Title: A handbook of engine & boiler trials, & of the indicator & Prony brake. For engineers & technical sch

Year: 1890

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Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Tinkler, Charles Kenneth, 1881-

Title: The Chemistry of Petroleum & its Substitutes: A practical handbook

Year: 1915 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Todeschini

Title: Handbook of Molecular Descriptors

Year: 2001

Format: PDF

Price: subs/$

Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Toldra

Title: Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry

Year: 2007

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Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Tolstoy

Title: Handbook of Infrared Spectroscopy of Ultrathin Films on Surfaces

Year: 2003

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Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Tracey, William R

Title: Human Resources Management & Development Handbook

Year: 1994

Price: 99.00

Publisher: AmacomBks

Author: Treasure

Title: Handbook of Eating Disorders 2e

Year: 2003

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Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Triplett, Jack

Title: Handbook on Hedonic Indexes and Quality Adjustments in Price Indexes: Special Application to Information Tech

Year: 2006

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Publisher: OECD

Author: Tyler, Ron, ed., et. al.

Title: The Handbook of Texas

Year: 1999

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Publisher: UTexas

Author: U.S. Army Med. Res. Inst Infectious Dise

Title: Medical Management of Biological Casualties: Handbook

Year: 1998 3rd

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Publisher: NBC-Med

Author: U.S. Army Med. Res. Inst Infectious Dise

Title: USAMRIID's Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook

Year: 2001 4ed

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Publisher: NBC-Med

Author: U.S. Army Medical Research Inst.

Title: Medical Management of Radiological Casualties Handbook

Year: 1999

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Publisher: Harvard

Author: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Title: Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-1011

Year: 2010 11ed

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Publisher: BLS

Author: U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services

Title: Handbook for Employers (1870KB PDF) [M-279; instructions for Completing Form I-9

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Author: U.S. Coast Guard

Title: Handbook on Care & Operation of Gasoline Engines

Year: 1917 GPO

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: U.S. Dept of Health

Title: Safe Water Systems for the Developing World: A Handbook for Implementing Household-Based Water Treatment & Saf

Year: 2002

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Publisher: CDC

Author: U.S. Dept of Justice

Title: OVC Handbook for Coping after Terrorism (Office for Victims of Crime)

Year: 2001

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Publisher: USDeptJus

Author: U.S. Dept of the Army

Title: China Army Area Handbook [History]

Year: 1994

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Author: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Title: Recognition & Management of Pesticide Poisonings Handbook

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Title: Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms & Natural Toxins Handbook [the "Bad Bug Book"; 2ed]

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Author: U.S. National Park Service

Title: Fort Laramie National Monument Historical Handbook (David L. Heib)

Year: 1953

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Publisher: NatPkServ

Author: U.S. National Park Service

Title: Manassas National Battlefield Park Historical Handbook (Francis F. Wilshin)

Year: 1953

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Publisher: NatPkServ

Author: U.S. National Park Service

Title: Rocky Mountain National Park [Nat. Hist. Handbook Series #3]

Year: 1954 Wash.

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Publisher: NatPkServ

Author: U.S. National Park Service

Title: Scotts Bluff Historical Handbook (Merrill J. Mattes)

Year: 1958

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Publisher: NatPkServ

Author: Umbreit, Mark S.

Title: The Handbook of Victim Offender Mediation: An Essential Guide to Practice and Research

Year: 2001

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Publisher: JosseyBassPub

Author: University Soc. Editorial Board

Title: The Child Welfare Manual: A handbook of child nature & nurture for parents & teachers... 2vols. [University So

Year: 1916 NY

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Publisher: CornellU

Author: Urquhart, John W

Title: Electric Light Fitting: A handbook for working electrical engineers, embodying practical notes on installation

Year: 1890 Lond.

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Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Utsuro

Title: Handbook of Neutron Optics

Year: 2010

Format: PDF

Price: subs/$

Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Vacca

Title: Optical Networking Best Practices Handbook

Year: 2006

Format: PDF

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Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Vacher, Francis, 1843-1914

Title: The food inspector's handbook

Year: 1913 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

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