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Author: Mason, Thomas

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Year: 1885

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Publisher: Google

Author: Mathew, David

Title: Scotland under Charles I

Year: 1955 Lond.

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Publisher: Eyre&Spottisw

Author: Mathieson, William Law

Title: Scotland & the Union: A History of Scotland from 1695-1747

Year: 1905 Glasgw

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Author: Maxwell, Tom (ed.)

Title: A Step on the Road to Freedom: The History of the Young Nationalist Association, 1936-1946

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Title: The History of BBC Broadcasting in Scotland, 1923-1983

Year: 1992

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Publisher: EdinburghUPr

Author: McFarland, E. W.

Title: Protestants First: Orangeism in 19th c Scotland

Year: 1990

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: EdinburghUPr

Author: McKinstry, Sam

Title: Rowland Anderson: The Premier Architect of Scotland

Year: 1991

Format: Questia

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Publisher: EdinburghUPr

Author: McNeill, John (Sir)

Title: Report & conclusions presented to the Board of Supervision in Edinburgh, 7th July 1851 [on the Western Highlan

Year: 1851

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Author: MIller, Hugh

Title: The Cruise of the Betsey, or a Summer Holiday in the Hebrides, w/Rambles of a Geologist ... Fossiliferous Depo

Year: 1883 Ednbg

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Publisher: ElecScotland

Author: Miller, Hugh, 1802-1856

Title: Sketch-book of popular geology

Year: 1872 Edinbg

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Publisher: UToronto

Author: Miller, Hugh, 1802-56

Title: Macaulay on Scotland; a critique

Year: 1857

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Miller, Hugh, 1802-56

Title: The cruise of the Betsey; Among the fossiliferous deposits of the Hebrides. Scotland [illus.]

Year: 1860

Format: Graphic Html

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Miller, Hugh, 1802-56

Title: The cruise of the Betsey; Among the fossiliferous deposits of the Hebrides. Scotland [illus.]

Year: 1859

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Mitchell, James Leslie, 1901-1935

Title: A Scots quair: A trilogy of novels [by] Lewis Grassic Gibbon (fwd. Ivor Brown)

Year: 1967

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Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Montereul, Jean de, 1613?-1651

Title: The diplomatic correspondence of Jean de Montereul & the Brothers de Bellievre, v 1 [GB civil war; relations

Year: 1898 Edinbg

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Publisher: UCLA

Author: Montereul, Jean de, 1613?-1651

Title: The diplomatic correspondence of Jean de Montereul & the Brothers de Bellievre, v 2

Year: 1899 Edinbg

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Publisher: UCLA

Author: Muirhead, James Patrick, 1813-1898

Title: The life of James Watt, w/selections from his correspondence

Year: 1859

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Author: Mumby, Frank Arthur, 1872-1954

Title: The Fall of Mary Stuart: a narrative in contemporary letters [Mary, Queen of Scots, 1542-1587]

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Title: Home Life of the Highlanders 1400 - 1746

Year: c1911 Glsgw

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Publisher: ElecScotland

Author: Murray, David, 1842-1928

Title: The streets of Glasgow & their story

Year: 1925 Glasgw

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Publisher: UToronto

Author: Navy Records Society (G.B.)

Title: Publications, v 44: The Old Scots Navy from 1689 to 1710


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Author: Necker de Saussure, Louis Albert

Title: A Voyage to the Hebrides, Or Western Isles of Scotland, w/Observations on the Manners & Customs of the Highlan

Year: 1822 Lond.

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Publisher: Google

Author: Nimmo, William

Title: The History of Stirlingshire (2vols.)

Year: 1880 3ed

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Publisher: ElecScotland

Author: O'Brien, Donat Henchy, 1785-1857

Title: My Adventures During the Late War: A Narrative of Shipwreck, Captivity, Escapes from French Prisions, & Sea Se

Year: 1902 Lond.

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Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Ogilvie, Thomas White

Title: The Book of Saint Fittick

Year: 1901

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Author: Oman, Charles William Chadwick (Sir)

Title: The Outbreak of the War of 1914-18. A narrative based mainly on British Official Documents

Year: 1919 HMSO

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Publisher: UToronto

Author: Omond, George William Thomson

Title: The Lord Advocates of Scotland [v2] from the Close of the 15th C. to the Passing of the Reform Bill

Year: 1883 Edinbg

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Publisher: Google

Author: Osborne, Gerald Stanley, 1926-

Title: Scottish and English schools: A comparative survey of the past fifty years

Year: 1967 Pittsb

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Author: Oz-Salzberger, Fania

Title: Translating the Enlightenment: Scottish Civic Discourse in 18th c Germany

Year: 1995

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Clarendon

Author: Paterson, Lindsay

Title: The Autonomy of Modern Scotland

Year: 1994 Edinbg

Format: Questia

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Author: Philip, James

Title: The Grameid: An Heroic Poem Descriptive of the Campaign of Viscount Dundee in 1689 & other pieces (ed., tr. Al

Year: 1888 Edinbg

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Author: Phillipson, N. T. (Nicholas T.)

Title: Scotland In The Age Of Improvement

Year: 1996

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Publisher: EdinburghUPr

Author: Piggott, Stuart

Title: The Prehistoric Peoples of Scotland

Year: 1962

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Price: subs

Publisher: Routledge

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