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Author: Twersky, Isadore

Title: Rabad of Posquieres: A Twelfth-Century Talmudist [Provence]


Format: PDF

Price: 9.95

Publisher: Varda Books

Author: U.S. Cong. 90 2d sess House. Un-American Activitie

Title: Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union. Hearings, Jun 19, 1968

Year: 1969 GPO

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard.

Author: United Hebrew Congregations of the Briti

Title: Annotated edition of The authorised Daily Prayer Book; with historical & explanatory notes, & additional matte

Year: 1914 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: VictoriaU(Can)

Author: Vaisman, Esler-Basya

Title: Yiddish-Hebrew-English-German-Russian-French Picture Dictionary

Year: 1996--

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Ibiblio

Author: Vaisman, Joseph

Title: Jews in Poland - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943): Bibliography of Yiddish sources

Year: n.d.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Ibiblio

Author: Vaisman, Joseph

Title: Jews in Russia - Kishinev Pogrom (1903): Bibliography

Year: n.d.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Ibiblio

Author: Vaisman, Joseph

Title: Jews in the USSR (1945-1953): Bibliography

Year: n.d.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Ibiblio

Author: Vaisman, Joseph

Title: Jews in Ukraine (1917-1922): Selected Bibliography (Civil War, Pogroms)

Year: n.d.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Ibiblio

Author: Vaisman, Joseph

Title: Social Movements: Anarchism, Brief Bibliography of Yiddish sources

Year: n.d.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Ibiblio

Author: Vaisman, Joseph

Title: Yiddish Cinima: Bibliography

Year: n.d.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Ibiblio

Author: Vaisman, Joseph

Title: Yiddish Theatre: Bibliography & Discography

Year: n.d.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Ibiblio

Author: Vaknin, Shmuel

Title: Sipurim (Stories) (in Hebrew)


Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Valensi, Lucette

Title: Jewish Memories

Year: 1991

Price: 40.00

Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Valensi, Lucette & Nathan Wachtel

Title: Jewish Memories

Year: 1991

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Various authors

Title: The Sacred Books & Early Literature of the East v IV: Medieval Hebrew (intro Chas F Horne)

Year: 1917

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: SacredTexts

Author: Verband der Vereine fur Judische Geschic

Title: Jahrbuch fur judische Geschichte und Literatur

Year: 1898 Berlin

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Vidal-Naquet, Pierre

Title: Assassins of Memory: Essays on the Denial of the Holocaust (tr. Jeffrey Mehlman)


Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: CMU

Author: Vieira, Nelson

Title: Jewish Voices In Brazilian Literature

Year: 1995

Price: 49.95

Publisher: UPrFlorida

Author: Vogelstein, Hermann, 1870- & P. Rieger

Title: Geschichte der Juden in Rom

Year: 1895 Berlin

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard.

Author: Vrba, Rudolf, 1860-

Title: Die Revolution in Russland; statistische und sozialpolitische Studien

Year: 1906 Prag

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan.

Author: Weber, Paul, 1868-1930

Title: Geistliches Schauspiel und kirchliche Kunst in ihrem Verhaltnis Erlautert an einer Ikonographie der Kirche und Synagoge: eine kunsthistorisc

Year: 1894Stuttgt

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Weinberger, Moses

Title: People Walk on Their Heads: Moses Weinberger's Jews & Judaism in NY (tr. frm Hebrew, Jonathan D Sarna)

Year: 1982

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Holmes&Meier

Author: Weinfeld, Moshe

Title: The Promise of the Land: The Inheritance of the Land of Canaan by the Israelites

Year: 1993

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Weingreen, J.

Title: A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew

Year: 1959

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Clarendon

Author: Weiss, Bernard P

Title: I Am Jewish

Year: 1996

Price: 17.25

Publisher: PowerKidsPr

Author: Weitzman, Elizabeth

Title: I Am Jewish American

Year: 1997

Price: 17.25

Publisher: PowerKidsPr

Author: Weitzman, Mark

Title: Antisemitism: A Historical Survey (w/Bibliography, Glossary)

Year: 1997?

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Wisenthl

Author: Wellhausen, Julius, 1844-1918

Title: Prolegomena zur geschichte Israels [bible, O.T.--criticism, interpretation]

Year: 1883 Berlin

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Westcott, William Wynn, trans

Title: Sepher Yetzirah


Format: Html

Price: Free


Author: Wineman, Aryeh

Title: Mystic Tales from the Zohar (glossary, bibliography)


Format: PDF

Price: 5.59

Publisher: Varda Books

Author: Wines, Enoch Cobb, 1806-79

Title: Commentaries on the laws of the ancient Hebrews; w/intro. essay on civil society & government


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Wirth-Nesher, Hana (Editor)

Title: What is Jewish Literature?


Format: PDF

Price: 7.95

Publisher: Varda Books

Author: Wisse, Ruth

Title: The Modern Jewish Canon - A Journey Through Language & Culture

Year: 2000

Price: 22.40

Publisher: Simon&Schuster

Author: Wistrich, Robert S.

Title: Hitler and the Holocaust

Year: 2001

Price: 8.95

Publisher: Random House

Author: Wistrich, Robert S.

Title: Hitler and the Holocaust

Year: 2001

Format: Adobe eBook

Price: 15.95

Publisher: ModernLib

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