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Author: Matis, Justin

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Author: Maxwell, James Clerk, 1831-1879

Title: A treatise on electricity & magnetism, v 1 [Clarendon]

Year: 1872 1dOxfo

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Publisher: CMU-Posner

Author: Maxwell, James Clerk, 1831-1879

Title: A treatise on electricity & magnetism, v 2 [Clarendon]

Year: 1872 1dOxfo

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Title: Charge and Energy Transfer Dynamics in Molecular Systems

Year: 2004

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Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: May, Gustav

Title: A Bibliography of Electricity & Magnetism, 1860-1883: With special reference to Electro-Technics

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Title: Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics

Year: 2006

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Author: McAulay, Alexander

Title: Utility of Quaternions in Physics

Year: 1893 Lond.

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Title: 1939-02: Disintegration of Uranium by Neutrons: a New Type of Nuclear Reaction (Nature) [on fission]

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Title: 1889: The Periodic Law of the Chemical Elements (J Chem Soc) ["on periodic law"; Faraday Lect.]

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Title: 1887: On the Relative Motion of the Earth & the Luminiferous Ether [celestial mechanics]

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Author: Millikan, Robert Andrews, 1868-1953

Title: 1913: [excerpt] On the elementary electrical charge & Avogadro's constant

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Publisher: AmerInstPhys

Author: Millikan, Robert Andrews, 1868-1953

Title: 1916: On a determination of Planck's constant by a photoelectric measurement

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Author: Minkowski, Hermann, 1864-1909

Title: Raum und Zeit: Vortrag, gehalten auf de 80. Naturforscher-Versammlung zu K ln am 21. September 1908. ... [spac

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Author: Moon

Title: Chaotic and Fractal Dynamics -for Applied Scientists and Engineer

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Publisher: WileyIntersci

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Author: Morgan, Alfred

Title: Adventures In Electrochemistry

Year: 1959 NY

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Author: Moring, Gary

Title: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Einstein

Year: 1999

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Title: Astronomical papers, v 1: Ecceentric anomaly, equation ... vector of a planet ... [astronomy; celestial mechanics; Ephemerides]

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Publisher: UToronto

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Title: Astronomical papers, v 3: [Astronomy; celestial mechanics; ephemerides]

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Author: Moseley, H.G.J.

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Year: 1913-14

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Author: Mottelay, Paul Fleury (comp.)

Title: Bibliographical History Of Electricity & Magnetism, Chronologically Arranged... from the period of the Revival

Year: 1922 Lond.

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Author: Motz, Lloyd & Jefferson Hane Weaver

Title: The Story of Astronomy

Year: 1995 Cambg.

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Publisher: PerseusBks

Author: Moulton, Forest Ray, 1872-1952

Title: An introduction to celestial mechanics

Year: 1914 NY

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Title: Berechnung elektrischer Maschinen

Year: 2007

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Author: Murray, Richard M., et. al.

Title: Control in an Information Rich World: Report of the Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, & Systems

Year: 2002 Phila.

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Title: Mathematics & Physics of Emerging Biomedical Imaging

Year: 1996

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Title: Motion, Control, and Geometry: Proceedings of a Symposium


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Author: National Research Council Commission on

Title: U.S. Nuclear Engineering Education: Status and Prospects


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Author: National Research Council Committee on t

Title: Mathematics & Physics of Emerging Biomedical Imaging


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Author: National Research Council Geophysics Stu

Title: The Role of Fluids in Crustal Processes


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Author: National Research Council National Mater

Title: Liquid Crystalline Polymers

Year: 1990

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